

docs_example.example1.say_hello(n: int = 1)[source]

Print hello n times to terminal.


n (int) – Print hello n times to terminal.


docs_example.example2.say_hi(n: int = 1)[source]

Print hi n times to terminal.


n (int) – Print hi n times to terminal.

style guide

class docs_example.style_guide.ExampleClass(arg1: int, arg2: Optional[str] = None, arg3: str = 'item1', arg4: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

The summary line for a class docstring should fit on one line.

Describe the function of the class in a few sentences, including but not limited to what the class is and what it can do.

In the docstring, we can list some items with the following format:

  • item1

  • item2

  • item3

  • item4

If we want to quote a URL, then we can quote it like OpenMMLab. Note that there needs to be a space between the title and the link, otherwise it will not render successfully. We can also quota a link like OpenMMLab.


If the class has something important to remind the user, we can show it in the note block.


If the class has something important to warn the user, such as a change in the interface, we can show it in the warning block.

Sometimes we want to use formulas to represent some definitions, we can write them within lines like \(e^{i \pi}+1=0\). Or we can write it between lines like.

\[e^{i \pi}+1=0\]


Of course, we can also write the formula in block like \(e^{i \pi}+1=0\) or the following format.

\[e^{i \pi}+1=0\]

To make it easier for users to get started quickly, we can give some introductory examples in the example block.


>>> # initialization
>>> obj = ClassDocstring(1)
>>> # give a few more examples
>>> obj = ClassDocstring(1, 'second parameter')
  • arg1 (int) – arg1 is the first parameter. If we want to quote a link to explain the argument, we can say that see more details at website.

  • arg2 (str, optional) – arg2 is the second parameter. Defaults to None. Note that if the default value is None, then you need to add optional to the parameter type. If the description of a parameter is too long, just indent it with a new line.

  • arg3 (str) –

    Of course, We can list some optional values with the following format. Defaults to item1.

    • item1

    • item2. If the description of a parameter is too long, just indent it with a new line. Be careful to the indentation alignment between lines otherwise there will be unexpected rendering result.

  • arg4 (dict, optional) –

    If the parameter is a dictionary, we can describe it with the following format. Defaults to None.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.


Properties created with the @property decorator should be documented in the property’s getter method.


Note that the usage of double backticks, single backticks, and “double quotation marks” are different. In reStructured syntax, double backticks means a piece of code. single backticks means italics. “double quotation marks” has no special meaning, but can be used to represent a string. The usage of single backticks is different from that in Markdown, so you should pay attention to it.

If the class has public attributes, they may be documented here in an Attributes section and follow the same formatting as a function’s Args section. Alternatively, attributes may be documented inline with the attribute’s declaration (see __init__ method below). Note that the Attributes section is optional.


Description of args1.




Description of args2.


str, optional


Doc comment inline with attribute


Doc comment before attribute, with type specified


dict or None

argument_list_changed(arg1: int, arg2: str = '')None[source]

If the argument list of a method have changed, we need to reflect that in the docstring.


More specifically, if the parameter is newly added, we can use the New in version 1.1.1. which 1.1.1 is the version parameter was added. If the meaning of the parameter are changed, we can use the Changed in version 1.1.1..


If the parameter was renamed, we need to tell user the interface was changed in the warning block.

  • arg1 (int) – arg1 is the first parameter.

  • arg2 (str) – arg2 is the second parameter. Defaults to ‘’. New in version 1.1.1.

property class_name

Properties should be documented in their getter method.



property owner

Properties with both a getter and setter should only be documented in their getter method. If the setter method contains notable behavior, it should be mentioned here.



return_dict(arg1: int, arg2: Union[str, list], arg3: dict)dict[source]

Summarize the function of the method in one sentence.

Describe the function of the class in a few sentences. Of course, it is not required.

  • arg1 (int) – arg1 is the first parameter.

  • arg2 (str | list) – arg2 is the second parameter. This parameter may be of type string or list.

  • arg3 (dict) –

    We can describe the parameter with the following format.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.


Return the output where the keys denote A meaning and values denote B. Be careful to the indentation alignment between lines otherwise there will be unexpected rendering result.

Return type


return_string(arg1: int, arg2: Union[str, list], arg3: dict)str[source]

Summarize the function of the method in one sentence.

Describe the function of the class in a few sentences. Of course, it is not required.


Do not include the self parameter in the Args section.

  • arg1 (int) – arg1 is the first parameter.

  • arg2 (str | list) – arg2 is the second parameter. This parameter may be of type string or list.

  • arg3 (dict) –

    We can describe the parameter with the following format.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.

    • key1: This is a shot description of the item.


Return the output.

Return type



Return a tuple.


Returns a tuple (a, b), where a is xxx, and b is xxx.

Return type



Generators have a Yields section instead of a Returns section.


n (int) – The upper limit of the range to generate, from 0 to n - 1.


int – The next number in the range of 0 to n - 1.


Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how to use the function.

>>> print([i for i in example_generator(4)])
[0, 1, 2, 3]
docs_example.style_guide.module_level_function(param1, param2=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

This is an example of a module level function.

Function parameters should be documented in the Args section. The name of each parameter is required. The type and description of each parameter is optional, but should be included if not obvious.

If *args or **kwargs are accepted, they should be listed as *args and **kwargs.

The format for a parameter is:

name (type): description
    The description may span multiple lines. Following
    lines should be indented. The "(type)" is optional.

    Multiple paragraphs are supported in parameter
  • param1 (int) – The first parameter.

  • param2 (str, optional) – The second parameter. Defaults to None. Second line of description should be indented.

  • *args – Variable length argument list.

  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments.


True if successful, False otherwise.

The return type is optional and may be specified at the beginning of the Returns section followed by a colon.

The Returns section may span multiple lines and paragraphs. Following lines should be indented to match the first line.

The Returns section supports any reStructuredText formatting, including literal blocks:

    'param1': param1,
    'param2': param2

Return type


  • AttributeError – The Raises section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface.

  • ValueError – If param2 is equal to param1.

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